What is a better way to express all the thoughts lurking in your mind that involves both reading and movies and eating candy during the summer? Blogging is the answer you are looking for. Good job.
So yes, I'm going to just...ramble. About anything. Including reading, of course.
First of all, and the most surprising of all, I haven't watched Eclipse yet. Known as being the ultimate twihard among my group of friends, it is very unusual for me to have not seen Eclipse. And it's been what? A week? My, oh, my. I normally see the Twilight movies with my mom and it's going to stay that way for the rest of the movies. I saw the first movie twice, the second movie once...But I heard from many that the third one is the best one so far out of all of them. In conclusion (lol), I've got to get on that.
I've been watching other movies lately, too. Snakes on the Plane, Away We Go, (2nd half of) Red Eye...I need more suggestions though since I'm running out of movies to watch.
A random reading fact: I only read the last two books of Harry Potter. I know what you're about to say. Everyone's been bugging me about it, anyhow. But what I'm upset about (myself) is that I can't get into all the HP hype! I refuse to watch the recent HP movie because I absolutely hate just diving into the middle of a series. So the first thing I must do is watch the very first movie. Epic realization: Oh, that can be the next movie I can watch! Yay!
And to end this first summer rambling, I want to say that I love rollerblading. Although often, I look like I'm about to fall and crash and burn my face on the asphalt. But hey, the fun is what counts, right?!
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